Working In Harmony Nurturing The Future

Welcome to The Study Program of

Doctor of Management

Faculty of Economics and Business

News Release

Improving Quality Assurance Through Finalizing the Preparation of Self Evaluation Report Documents and Appendices for FIBAA International Accreditation for the Doctoral Programme of Management

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Internasional Youth Leadership Program

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Telah dibuka Gelombang IV - Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Program Studi Doktor Ilmu Manajemen

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Vision and Mission

Becoming a management science doctoral program with an international reputation with an environmental perspective with the study of Economics, Management, Business and Agro-industry

  • Learning Process

    Organizing quality doctoral education in the field of management and business that is oriented towards humanity, diversity, and sustainability

  • Research

    Producing doctorates in the field of management and business who are able to carry out scientific research that has the development and renewal of knowledge independently that meets scientific principles and is responsible

Doctor of Management FEB UNEJ Registration

Want to study at the Study Program Doctor of Management Faculty of Economics and Business UNEJ ?

Get to know us and follow the registration to become part of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Jember.


Dr. Elok Sri Utami, M.Si.

Head of Management Department

Dra. Lilik Farida, M.Si

Secretary of Management Department

Dr. Diana Sulianti K. Tobing, SE., M.Si., CRA., CMA.

Head of the Doctor of Management

Contact Us


Gg. 5, Tegal Boto Lor, Sumbersari, Kec. Sumbersari, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur


(0331) 337990