Working In Harmony Nurturing The Future

Teaching Staff

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NIP   :   195608311984031002
Name   :   Prof. Dr. Mohammad Saleh, S.E., M.Sc.
Email   :
Academic Level   :   Professor
Research Interests   :   Economics
ID Sinta   :   5973717
ID Scopus   :   57210210363

Responsive image

NIP   :   196610201990022001
Name   :   Prof. Dr. Isti Fadah, M.Si., CRA., CMA.
Email   :
Academic Level   :   Professor
Research Interests   :   Financial Management
ID Sinta   :   5977264
ID Scopus   :   57205390867
CV   :  
Web Of Science   :  

Responsive image

NIP   :   196107291986032001
Name   :   Prof. Dr. Diah Yulisetiarini, Dra. M.Si.
Email   :
Academic Level   :   Professor
Research Interests   :   Creative Industry Business Management Study
ID Sinta   :   6009161
ID Scopus   :   0000-0002-8395-0620
CV   :  
Web Of Science   :  

Responsive image

NIP   :   196004131986031002
Name   :   Prof. Dr. Raden Andi Sularso, MSM.
Email   :
Academic Level   :   Professor
Research Interests   :   Marketing Management and Consumer Behavior
ID Sinta   :   54807
ID Scopus   :   57200207010
CV   :  

Responsive image

NIP   :   196704201992011001
Name   :   Prof. Drs. Slamin, M.Comp., Ph.D.
Email   :  
Academic Level   :   Professor
Research Interests   :  
ID Sinta   :   55671
ID Scopus   :   57202201001

Responsive image

NIP   :   195701051986031002
Name   :   Prof. Dr. Dominikus Rato, S.H., M. Si.
Email   :  
Academic Level   :   Professor
Research Interests   :  
ID Sinta   :   5985137

Responsive image

NIP   :   196107151985032002
Name   :   Prof. Dr. Ir. Yuli Hariyati. MS.
Email   :  
Academic Level   :   Professor
Research Interests   :  
ID Sinta   :   5998230
ID Scopus   :   57214724151

Responsive image

NIP   :   197501062000032001
Name   :   Dr. Purnamie Titisari, S.E., M.Si., QIA., CRA
Email   :
Academic Level   :   Assoc. Professor
Research Interests   :   Strategic Human Resources Management
ID Sinta   :   6017260
ID Scopus   :   57206731409
CV   :  

Responsive image

NIP   :   196901142005011002
Name   :   Prof. Dr. Sumani, S.E., M.Si., CRA.
Email   :
Academic Level   :   Professor
Research Interests   :   Financial Literacy, Capital Markets and Behavioral Finance
ID Sinta   :   6011391
ID Scopus   :   58149318400
CV   :  

Responsive image

NIP   :   197412122000122001
Name   :   Dr. Diana Sulianti K. Tobing, SE., M.Si., CRA., CMA.
Email   :
Academic Level   :   Assoc. Professor
Research Interests   :   Leadership and Strategic Human Resource Management
ID Sinta   :   5993787
ID Scopus   :   57192804121
CV   :  

Responsive image

NIP   :   197902202002122001
Name   :   Prof. Dr. Zarah Puspitaningtyas S.Sos,S.E,M.Si,
Email   :
Academic Level   :   Professor
Research Interests   :   Management Accounting, Finance
ID Sinta   :   5991521
ID Scopus   :   57196322940
Web Of Science   :  

Responsive image

NIP   :   196403041989021001
Name   :   Prof. Dr. Ir. Soetriono, MP.
Email   :  
Academic Level   :   Professor
Research Interests   :  
ID Sinta   :   5985590
ID Scopus   :   57196322940

Responsive image

NIP   :   196901201993031002
Name   :   Hadi Paramu, S.E., MBA., Ph.D.
Email   :
Academic Level   :   Assoc. Professor
Research Interests   :  
ID Sinta   :   6009553
ID Scopus   :   57209173528
CV   :  

Responsive image

NIP   :   196811131994121001
Name   :   Prof. Dr. Saiful Bukhori ST., M.Kom
Email   :  
Academic Level   :   Professor
Research Interests   :  
ID Sinta   :   5975640
ID Scopus   :   37071915000

Responsive image

NIP   :   196903291993032001
Name   :   Dra. Dewi Prihatini, M.M., Ph.D.
Email   :
Academic Level   :   Assoc. Professor
Research Interests   :   Human Resource Management, Community Empowerment
ID Sinta   :   6010533
ID Scopus   :   57207735728
CV   :  
Web Of Science   :